How do I book a course?
- You can call us on 0453 840 006 to book.
- If you would like to book in our regularly scheduled courses head to our calendar to see what’s coming up
- Our other courses are scheduled on-demand only. Fill out your details on the book a course page and we will contact you to confirm dates.
What are my payment options?
The following payment options are available:
Bank Transfer:
Account Name – Watto Training Pty Ltd
BSB – 124017
Account – 22194362
Credit Card:
Credit card payments can be made online by clicking on the link provided in the invoice. Please note all credit card payments will incur a 1.75% surcharge.
Account Holders:
If paying on account we require either a Purchase Order or some form of letter/email (must be in print), proof that a student has the authority to receive training and assessment through Watto Training. This can be either emailed, posted or brought in to us.
Certificates/Statements of Attainment shall not be granted until the payment of all course fees and presentation of evidence requirements.
What is Recognition of Prior Learning?
Recognition of prior learning (RPL) is defined in the AQF as follows:
Recognition of prior learning is an assessment process that involves assessment of an individual’s relevant prior learning (including formal, informal and non-formal learning) to determine the credit outcomes of an individual application for credit.
This is underpinned by the AQF definition of credit as follows:
Credit is the value assigned for the recognition of equivalence in content and learning outcomes between different types of learning and/or qualifications. Credit reduces the amount of learning required to achieve a qualification and may be through credit transfer, articulation, recognition of prior learning or advanced standing.
Recognition of prior learning explained
The AQF facilitates the progression of students through qualifications by giving credit for learning outcomes they already have achieved. Credit outcomes may allow for entry into a qualification and/or provide credit towards the qualification. Credit given may reduce the time required for a student to achieve the qualification.
RPL is one of a number of processes for establishing credit or advanced standing. RPL broadens access into formal learning by enabling credit to be given for student achievement though other formal, non-formal or informal learning.
RPL involves issuing organisations undertaking an assessment of each individual who applies to determine the extent to which that individual’s previous learning is equivalent to the learning outcomes of the components of the destination qualification.
Recognition of prior learning applied
It is the responsibility of issuing organisations to offer RPL assessment to students. Issuing organisations’ RPL policies and practices must ensure that decisions about granting RPL take into account students’ likelihood of successfully achieving qualification outcomes and ensure that integrity of qualification outcomes is maintained (AQF Qualifications Pathways Policy section 2.1.6).
To ensure consistency, fairness and transparency, issuing organisations should establish a systematic, organisation-wide approach to RPL including policies and procedures that govern implementation.
The typical RPL process for providers consists of the following stages:
- identifying the evidence required
- providing advice to students about the process
- providing students with sufficient information to enable them to prepare their evidence to meet the standard required for the RPL assessment process
- assessing using appropriate evidence-gathering methods and tools
- recording the outcome, and
- reporting to key internal and external stakeholders.
RPL assessment:
- as with all assessment, should be undertaken by academic or teaching staff with expertise in the subject, content or skills area, as well as knowledge of and expertise in RPL assessment
- should be the same standard as other assessment for the qualification
- should recognise learning regardless of how, when and where it was acquired, provided the learning is relevant to the learning outcomes in the qualification
- must ensure that evidence provided is valid, authentic, current and sufficient and that the process is fair, flexible reliable and valid.
RPL assessment methods:
- should include reasonable adjustment for the literacy levels, cultural background and experiences of students, and it should not be a proxy for the assessment of skills such as literacy except where these are intrinsic to the learning outcomes of the qualification component
- should address the specific evidence required to demonstrate prior achievement of the learning outcomes and assessment requirements of the particular qualification components for which credit is sought
- should provide a range of ways for individuals to demonstrate that they have met the required outcomes and can be granted credit.
These might include:
- mapping of learning outcomes from prior formal or non-formal learning to the relevant qualification components
- questioning (oral or written)
- observation of performance in work based and/or simulated environments
- challenge examinations/assessments
- consideration of third party reports and/or other documentation such as articles, reports, project material, papers, testimonials or other products prepared by the RPL applicant that relate to the learning outcomes of the relevant qualification component
- consideration of a portfolio and review of contents, and
- participation in structured assessment activities that individuals normally would be required to undertake if they were enrolled in the qualification components.
The assessment outcomes may enable the student to meet the entry requirements and/or components of the qualification. This may reduce the duration of the qualification.
The agreed credit outcomes of the assessment of previous learning through RPL are specific to the individual. They may establish a precedent which can be used for other RPL assessments and potentially form the basis for future credit transfer agreements.
Source: Australian Qualifications Framework Council
What if I need to cancel or reschedule my training and assessment?
If you cannot attend a scheduled Training and Assessment with Watto Training, please contact us immediately and if withdrawing from a course please refer to our cancellation policy in the Student Handbook.
What is Watto Training’s Refund Policy?
The following refund policy will apply:
- Students who give notice to cancel their enrolment more than 10 days prior to the commencement of a program will be entitled to a full refund of fees paid.
- Students who give notice to cancel their enrolment less than 10 days prior to the commencement of a program will be entitled to a 75% refund of fees paid. The amount retained (25%) by Watto Training is required to cover the costs of staff and resources which will have already been committed based on the student’s initial intention to undertake the training.
- Students who cancel their enrolment after a training program has commenced will not be entitled to a refund of fees. Course commencement is defined by one or all of the following – enrolment forms completed, assignments issued and/or marked, practical training and assessment delivered. Where a learner has purchased a text or training workbooks and subsequently cancels, Watto Training will not refund monies for the text.
Discretion may be exercised by the Chief Executive Officer in all situations if the student can demonstrate that extenuating or significant personal circumstance led to their withdrawal. In these cases, the student should be offered a full credit toward the tuition fee in another scheduled program in-lieu of a refund. Chief Executive Officer may also authorise a refund of tuition fees if the circumstances require it.
Where refunds are approved, the refund payment must be paid to the student within 14 days from the time the student gave written notice to cancel their enrolment. Tuition refunds are to be paid via electronic funds transfer using the authorised bank account nominated by the student on the Refund Request Form.